Monday, October 28, 2013

Billy Funk - Mindset Motivation - #12

Billy Funk - Mindset Motivation - #12

Take a moment to think back to the last time you "had to" do something. Now think back to the last time you "hoped to" do something. When you change your mindset on a goal or a dream from "hope to" to "have to" you've given yourself the proper focus and motivation to get it done. Don't just use your "have to" determination for daily tasks, use that "have to" mantra for goals and dreams you want accomplished and actualized and they become easier to fulfill!

Minute Mindset Motivation #11:

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message. Don't forget to leave some feedback below! I would love to hear your thoughts! - Billy Funk

When you make your goal or vision so exciting and compelling, you allow it to pull you instead of you pushing. Get clear and concise on what you want and make your goal so thrilling and passionate that nothing will stop you from getting there!

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How are you progressing on your goals this year? What can you do today to make them happen?

You've gotta be hungry for something if you're going to get it! You gotta want it! You gotta need it! You gotta do every single thing it takes to get it!

What's Your Why?

I am dedicated to take 1 -2 minutes of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

Subscribe Here:

- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mindset Motivation - #8 - Billy Funk - Sense of Urgency

Billy Funk - Take Sense of Urgency to the next level in your life! Use Sense of Urgency to accomplish any goal that you have. Make it Happen Today..... Yesterday no longer matters... Tomorrow isn't here yet... Make the Most of the Moments you have today!

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If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

Day 3:

I am dedicated to take 1 minute of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

Subscribe Here

- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

Connect With Billy on Facebook - CLICK HERE

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2 Minute Mindset Motivation - #7 - Billy Funk

What are you afraid of? What's Stopping you from trying something new? What do you have to FEAR? Think about what FEAR really is: False Evidence Appearing Real... The only way to conquer your FEAR is to face it head on! Have Courage! COURAGE is not the absence of FEAR... it is the willingness to act in spite of FEAR!!!

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

Subscribe to Billy's You Tube

How Bad Do You Want it? When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful! When you want it more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful!!

Day 6:

I am dedicated to take 1 minute of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

"When you want to succeed more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful" - Eric Thomas

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2 Minutes to Mindset Motivation - #6 - Billy Funk

What Motivates You? Enthusiasm, Excitement.... Anger, Frustration? MAD can also stand for Make A Decision! Make a decision to change for the better.., Commit to yourself that you won't stop until you get to where you want to go. Find something that will give you that burning desire to take massive action and make it happen!!

How Bad Do You Want it? When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful! When you want it more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful!!

Day 5:

I am dedicated to take 1 minute of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

"When you want to succeed more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Minute Mindset Motivation - #5 - Billy Funk

What's your potential? Believe in yourself and Know what you want is Possible!

Believe it is Possible, and then Know it and go get it!!! Let nothing stop you!!

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

How Bad Do You Want it? When you want it more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful!!

Let your WHY wake you up and not your alarm clock!

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

How Bad Do You Want it? When you want it more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful!!

I am dedicated to take 1 minute of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

"When you want to succeed more than you want sleep and as much as you want oxygen, then you'll be successful"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mindset Motivation Minute - Day 3 (Michael Jordan)

Billy Funk is dedicated to take 1 minute of his day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share his passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire!

In Day 3 of the Minute Mindset Motivation Series, Billy talks about Michael Jordan's inspiring story of Failure to Success.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
- Michael Jordan

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

Mindset Motivation Minute Intro


What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!
- Billy Funk AKA
The Extreme Networker

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 2 of Mindset Motivational Minute

If this Video got you Fired Up, Pump UP or Inspired on any level.... Please Feel Free to Share it with anyone that may benefit from the message.

I am dedicated to take 1 minute of my day and make an awesome mindset motivational video to share my passion, enthusiasm and motivation so those that need a spark for their match may end up with a wildfire! 
One Minute Mindset Motivation Day 1:
- Billy Funk AKA 
The Extreme Networker

What you give you get.... Like Zig Ziglar says, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!"

Motivation... Passion... and Enthusiasm are Contagious.... get ready for an Epidemic!